Translation: Ring out, ihr Lieder, BWV 172. Ring out, her songs. Parts.
Translation: O eternal fire, o source of love, BWV 34. O eternal fire, o source of love.
Translation: Now come, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62. Now come, der Heiden Heiland.
Translation: God the Lord is sun and shield, BWV 79. Turner. Choral. Nun danket Alle Gott. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: for Trumpets. BWV 172 No 1. Winds. Magatagan, Mike. "Erschallet, ihr Lieder". BWV 172 No 1.
Translation: On, blaring sounds of merry trumpets, BWV 207a. Vocal Scores.
Translation: Trumpet 1 Part. Trumpet 2 Part. Trumpet Parts. Winds. Magatagan, Mike.
Translation: Trumpet 1, 2, 3. Easter Oratorio. Full Scores. Recorder 1. doubling Flute. , 2.
Translation: Trumpet 1, 2, 3. Mass in B minor. The Great Catholic Mass. Full Scores. Kyrie. Glory.