Translation: Look, let's go up to Jerusalem, BWV 159. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: 'I want to stand here with you'. Look, let's go up to Jerusalem, BWV 159. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Look, let's go up to Jerusalem, BWV 159.
Translation: I will not let you BWV Anh.159.
Translation: BWV 514-518. Bach-Gesellschaft edition. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: BWV 159 Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem. Choral SATB, Piano. Main sheet music.
Translation: Air. "Es ist vollbracht" for Oboe, Bassoon & Strings. Woodwinds and String quintet. Air. "Es ist vollbracht". for Oboe, Bassoon & Strings.
Translation: "Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem" for French Horn & Strings. Horn and String quartet. Magatagan, Mike. for French Horn.
Translation: Choir. "Jesu, deine Passion ist mir lauter Freude" for Piano. Magatagan, Mike. Choir. "Jesus, your Passion is my sheer joy". for Piano.
Translation: Air. "SIch folge dir nach -- Ich will hier bei dir stehen" for Harp. Magatagan, Mike. Air. for Harp.
Translation: JS Bach -- Aria Es ist vollbracht from Cantata Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem. Harpsichord and Strings.