Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da.
Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Spiritual Odes and Songs I, H.686. Lame. Bußlied. No. 46. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Brenner, Jérémie. Main sheet music.
Translation: plan.
Translation: plan. Brenner, Jérémie.
Translation: Air-Duet. Trascrizione per Soprano, Contralto e Organo manualiter Concertato. Machella, MAURIZIO. Main sheet music.
Translation: Awake, the voice calls us, BWV 140. Awake, the voice is calling us. Choir. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Continuous. Awake, the voice calls us, BWV 140. Air. When will you come, my salvation.
Translation: Awake, the voice calls us, BWV 140. Air. When will you come, my salvation.
Translation: Awake, the voice is calling us. 2 oboes, English horn,.