Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Melody. Chords. Voice. C Instrument. MN0143893.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range.
Translation: I always needed time on my own. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. MN0063583.
Translation: Bass Tab. Bass TAB.
Translation: Guitar Tab. Guitar. Vocal. Chords. Guitar TAB.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. MN0058992_D3. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. Backup Vocals.
Translation: I always needed time on my own. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. MN0063583_U9.
Translation: Lovely piece, quite easy to play, and will continue playing for a long time. Plan. Voice, range.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. MN0048849_D3. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. MN0048849_U4. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. MN0088400_D3.
Translation: Ev'rybody needs a little time away,. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. MN0044455_U4.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Singer Pro. Voice, range.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. D3-EB5. MN0065943_D1. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. G3 Ab5. MN0065943_U4. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible.