Translation: J. Brahms.
Translation: arranged by Pierre-Louis Dietsch from the original song, we see that men composed by Jacob Arcadelt for female voices.
Translation: Pedro Aranaz and Vines.
Translation: Anonymous. Sacred , Anthem. Latvian. SATB.
Translation: Transcribed from the “Motetti De passione De cruce De sacramento De beata virgine et huiusmodi” - Petrucci 1503.
Translation: Anonymous. Sacred , Office hymn. Language. Latin. The coloured notes are in “proportio sesquialtera”. 3 vs.
Translation: A single verse of the hymn.
Translation: Paul Animuccia.
Translation: SSS, AAA, BBB etc.
Translation: This Ave Maria setting is attributed to Gombert, but is probably a 19th century fabrication.
Translation: Jerome Aliseda.
Translation: The the notes' values and the colourings are as in the manuscript. The text underlay within brackets is editorial. The source.