Translation: Berlioz, Hector. 8 scenes from Faust, 33 H. Suns: SSSSATBarB - Choir: SSTTBB - 2 (2picc). 2 +2 ca. 2. 4 – 4. 2. 0. oph – timp – gu ...
Translation: Ecot of merry men: History of a rat (from 'Faust') (Hector Berlioz). Secular. Oratory. Orchestra.
Translation: 12. "Rats Day Out" from the musical "The Pied Piper" by Daniel Kavanagh Concert, Pop \u0026 Rock, , 6 minutes, .
Translation: 127. La Rotta by Anon, Arr. Bill Rhys Concert, Classical, duet (of the same instrument), 2 minutes, .
Translation: Kuffner, Joseph. 144 10 op-pot derived from decayed Euryanthe opera by Weber.