Translation: Moments deeper Gemüthslebens, Set II, Op.37. Kühmstedt, Friedrich.
Translation: The glorious moment, Op.136.
Translation: The moment. Plan.
Translation: The Glorious Moment op. The Glorious Moment op. Friedenskantate. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Edited by Karl Scherchen.
Translation: Moment is my. John Zentner. Moment is my composed by John Zentner. Choral. Published by Hug Musikverlage. HG.GH-11185. ISBN M-2028-0832-0.
Translation: I have you for a little moment. Choir sheet music. I made you a little moment composed by Jan Bender. For SATB choir. German title. German.
Translation: Take the spare moments. A Cappella sheet music. Take the spare moments composed by Dieter Frommlet. For SSA Women's Choir a cappella.
Translation: Take the spare moments. A Cappella sheet music. Take the spare moments composed by Dieter Frommlet. For SATB Choir a cappella.
Translation: Take the spare moments. A Cappella sheet music. Take the spare moments composed by Dieter Frommlet. For TTBB Men's Choir a cappella.
Translation: I've left you a small moment. Johann Ludwig Bach. Choir sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. 1677-1731. For SATB. TB choir,.