Translation: Dormend 'one day.
Translation: Submitted by Stevens as candidate for the Catch Club's gold medal in 1789.
Translation: Transcribed from the “Primo libro de Madrigali a cinque voci” - Gardano 1564, composed in honour of Cosimo I de Medici Duke of Florence.
Translation: Secular , Glee. Language. English. A five part glee.
Translation: 1774-1858. Secular , Glee. Language. English.
Translation: How many mercenaries.
Translation: Latin. Number 46 of "Florilegium Sacrarum Cantionum".
Translation: only 56 bars. Can of course be sung at a higher pitch.
Translation: The tenor part given consists of a series of notes and rests totalling 16 breves, followed by a repeat sign.