Translation: Hello Siberia. Army of Kolchak - -. March. Music.
Translation: Song of the Soviet Army. March. A. Alexandrov, A. Kolychev. Instr. M. Vahutinskogo - -. Instr. B. Eremeeva -. Instr. Music.
Translation: We - the army of the people. Marsh song. Mr. Movsesian, R. Christmas. Instr. Vorob'eva - -. Instr. Music.
Translation: The march of the Soviet Army. S. Saidashev - - -. Music.
Translation: In the snows of Siberia. Marsh Army Kolchak -. Facilitate. Ed. A schoolboy -. Music.
Translation: Budapest. The Red Army in Budapest. March. S. Cherenetsky. Instr. B. Eremeeva -. Music.
Translation: My army. Marsh song. Abramov, R. Plaxin -. Arr. . Music.