Translation: III. Get rid of the poor souls. Zinc, Stefan.
Translation: Violet. Cello.
Translation: Armenian Rhapsody, Op. 48 composed by Mikhail Mikhaylovich Ippolitov-Ivanov. Percussion sheet music. Timpani sheet music. 1859-1935.
Translation: Armenian Rhapsody, Op. 48 composed by Mikhail Mikhaylovich Ippolitov-Ivanov. Timpani sheet music. Russian Oriental. Asiatic.
Translation: the original Armenian is above the notes for easy reference. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: violin part. Douglas E. Wagner. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Alagyaz composed by Douglas E. Wagner.
Translation: The hymn "Ach Herr, mich armen Sunder" was written in the 16th century to the tune of "Herzlich tut mich verlangen".
Translation: Walt God, my work I let. The accompanying violins are used in the prelude and interludes. Piano and Keyboard sheet music.
Translation: Violin part. The text is Armenian with the transliteration under the notes. Paul Carey. Instrumental accompaniment only.
Translation: rgre dich, o Seele, nicht," BWV186. Sheet Music by Johann Sebastian Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach. Novato Music Press. German,English.
Translation: - Score composed by Alexander Kaloian. For String Quartet.
Translation: Harmonious Worship. Violin. Violin. Violin. Violin. Violin. Violin. Violin. Violin.