Translation: By Emmanuel Kiriakou, David Hodges, and Jess Cates. Voice sheet music. Vocal. Chords. This edition.
Translation: David Archuleta. English. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. I hung up the phone tonight. something happened for the first time.
Translation: By David Archuleta. By Emanuel Kiriakou, David Hodges, and Jess Cates. Orchestra. For String Orchestra.
Translation: By David Archuleta. By Emanuel Kiriakou, David Hodges, and Jess Cates. For String Orchestra. String Orchestra.
Translation: 2009 Greatest Pop . Piano Solo sheet music. 2009 Greatest Pop . The Biggest Movies.
Translation: 2008 Pop . Electric Guitar sheet music. 2008 Pop . Sheet Music Playlist Series Songs That Made the Year.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. 2000-2009 Best Pop Songs by Various. Vocal.