Translation: 9_The king is rising_o.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_n.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_m.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_i.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_b.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_j.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_f.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_d.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_e.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_h.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_g.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_a.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_c.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_l.
Translation: 9_The king is rising_k.
Translation: , albeit with lines 5 and 6 of the third stanza coming first. "'Watchman, what of the night.
Translation: It has all the ingredients which make for a really satisfying choral experience.
Translation: And start to dance. certain that the musicians have finally arrived. I rise from my chair and start to dance.