Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. composed by Mark Hoerbelt.
Translation: “Wade in the Watah” borrows from another spiritual, “Done Made My Vow,” and references the great Harriet Tubman as freedom's guide.
Translation: 12 Canons on Traditional Sussex Verse. Composed by Jeffrey Bishop. For 2-part children's chorus with optional piano.
Translation: Another hundred people just got off of the train and came up thru the ground. English.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Sheet Music by Sheena Easton. Florrie Palmer. Sheena Easton. Hal Leonard. English. 0-7579-7931-9. Solero. Plan.
Translation: Guitar Solo. Composed by Jerry Silverman. For Guitar. Guitar Solo. 79 pages.
Translation: Paperback Lyrics. Composed by Various. Paperback Lyrics. Softcover.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 11 Cool Tunes for Kidz Worship Choir. Composed by Brian Hitt. For unison. Collection.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Budget Books. Composed by Various.
Translation: Budget Books. Composed by Various. For Piano. Easy Piano Songbook.
Translation: Country . Train Up Your Children. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Country . for voice.