Translation: Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr93. The time signature and the notes' values are as in the manuscript.
Translation: Sacred , Sequence hymn for Easter Sunday. The notes' values and colourings are as in the manuscript.
Translation: A Sequentia transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr93. The time signatures, notes’ values and colourings are as in the manuscript.
Translation: This is a lauda whose text loosely parallels that of the Stabat mater.
Translation: Sacred , Motet , Eucharistic song , Antiphon for Lauds on the Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi. 3 vs.
Translation: Il quinto libro delle laudi spirituali a 3 & 4 voci del Reverendo P. Francesco Soto. name of compiler.
Translation: Italian. SST.
Translation: transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr91. Two three voices versions are provided. cantus prius factus.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn. Latin. SA. Text. and possibly melody. The laudabook of Cortona.
Translation: Sacred , Sequence hymn , Eucharistic song. Latin. Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr89. bottom two parts in the score.
Translation: Sacred , Motet. Language. Italian. SATB. Cortona, Italy, late XIII th century.
Translation: Luca Sartore. Organ. Sacred , Hymn. Language. Italian. SATB. It is an hymn. to sing during the lent.
Translation: Text in Latin, Gregorian Chant. Edited by Matthias Hammerschmitt. Choral Score. Score. Duration 2'00. Published by Edition 49.