Translation: They can’t take that away from me — —. From Songs by George Gershwin. soprano, alto or tenor saxophone. with piano accompanement.
Translation: It can be sung eiter to 3 or 4 voices performing the three upper voices or the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th voice.
Translation: the three upper voices or the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th voice. Sacred , Office hymn for the Common of Martyrs. Only the text incipit.
Translation: found in the University of South Carolina Music Library and the Library of Congress in the form of microfilm.
Translation: Anonymous. A cappella. Sacred , Office hymn for Christmas. Language. Latin. Christmas hymn transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr88.
Translation: It can be performed during the Easter time. Language. Latin. SATB. Laudes Matutinum.
Translation: The first system can be started by priest or deacon who stays with ostensory. Teofil Klonowski , based on an Anonymous chant.
Translation: This hymn was very popular and can be found in the diocesan manuscripts and prints Poland-wide. Sacred , Hymn.
Translation: As in all the Office for the Dead it can be used at the end of Procession of Dead in the 2nd November. Frédéric Chopin.
Translation: composition competition and won second prize. It was premiered by ROCS on 7th September 2007.
Translation: It can be used for Offertory in the Mass in honor of St. Peter on the 29th June and in other His Feasts.