Translation: Love the first dart, S.23. Air. I can never let you to love. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Porpora, Nicola Antonio.
Translation: Wave of bitter tears, S.242.
Translation: Genius, that he wished to love.
Translation: Handel.
Translation: Song Loris. "Love forbids you not to love. from the opera "Fedora" Clavier. W. Giordani.
Translation: Transcribed from the "First Book of Madrigals for five voices" - Gardano 1564. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are semibreves.
Translation: Monteverdi's original title of this madrigal was Piagn' e sospira. Fourth book of madrigals, 1603.
Translation: Harmonious Temple of the Blessed Virgin for deed of Juvenal Ancina.
Translation: Plan.