Translation: The famous song from West Side Story arranged for SATB unaccompanied.
Translation: America is one of the most well known and loved songs from the smash hit musical West Side Story.
Translation: Leonard Bernstein. Voice, Piano. German, English.
Translation: Choral Medley. Sheet Music. SATB, Piano Accompaniment. SATB. PFA. If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44.
Translation: I like to be in America, okay by me in America. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. 2-Part Choir. Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: Includes the addictive melodies and rhythms of Maria , America and I Feel Pretty.
Translation: 5 songs from the huge Bernstein. Sondheim hit show, arranged for voice with simple and highly accessible Piano accompaniments.
Translation: Recently recorded and performed by world-renowned American Violinist Joshua Bell.
Translation: Arranged for Piano with full lyrics and chord symbols and includes many highlights with America , Maria and I Feel Pretty. Plan.
Translation: PFA.
Translation: Includes a foreword by conductor John Mauceri, and the hits.
Translation: The arrangements in the West Side Story. Instrumental Solos – Violin. Book. CD. Sheet Music, CD. Violin.
Translation: The arrangements in the West Side Story. Instrumental Solos – Trumpet. Book. CD. Sheet Music, CD. Trumpet.