Translation: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time. Jesus Loves Me.
Translation: Now you can play over 250 of your favorite songs from Broadway, movies and television, all in one book. Bidin' My Time.
Translation: God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior. All The Way My Savior Leads Me.
Translation: If You Want A Better Life. If You Want The Bomb. Isn't It Time To Go, John.
Translation: You Got Lucky. You Really Got Me. Have You Ever Seen the Rain. Doin' Time. Let It Be Me.
Translation: For the first time in one volume, over 325 songs drawn from every period in the unique career of the master songwriter.
Translation: The Times They Are A-Changin'. All Along the Watchtower. All The Young Dudes. And It Stoned Me. Call Me.
Translation: Oh, Where Can You Be. My First Wife Left Me. Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do. Something Inside Me.
Translation: I Get a Kick Out of You. I Loves You, Porgy. The Lamp Is Low. Someone to Watch over Me. Quality Time.
Translation: Detailed instructions on how to build your own bass line will teach you how to create a bass line for any song you like.
Translation: titles allow you to own a music library that rivals the great collections of the world. Bizet Songs - Do not forget.