Translation: Small. Percussion.
Translation: Small. Guitar.
Translation: it is the only item in the book with this attribution. The tune is headed '47 Hy. 2 d B. D r Watts. A cappella.
Translation: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
Translation: The "Wheel" has since been performed over 50 times by dozens of choirs and small ensembles around the world.
Translation: The work encompasses an overarching mezzo soprano line, supported by double soprano and alto, and arpeggio piano.
Translation: The piece contains an optional small semichorus at the end, and a small soprano 1 solo, also optional.
Translation: Light accompaniment for very small singers is fine, with the rest of the piece a cappella. Secular , Children's song.
Translation: Moderately difficult, only because of some polyphonic sections, but most intervals are small and easy. Sacred , Anthem. Language.
Translation: The "I will not be afraid" section is the only really difficult section in this piece. Maggie Furtak. A cappella. Language.
Translation: Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any feedback about this piece.