Translation: Seventh chords and melodies in both hands. O that, my life's final hour may not strike today. All men must die.
Translation: Since that time, music students the world over have studied the chorales as a paragon of “common practice” harmony and voice leading.
Translation: All I'm Asking. In the Secret. My Dwelling Place. One Thing Remains. The Cross Has Said It All.
Translation: Find Me In The River. He Has Made Me Glad. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Above All Else.
Translation: Pass It On. We Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God. There Is Joy In The Lord. Breathe On Me.
Translation: There Is Joy In The Lord. Away In A Manger. My All In All. In His Presence. Let It Rain.
Translation: Esslinger Organ, Vol. I. Lord, you have angeruhrt me. Lord, make us strong in courage, confesses you - F Major.
Translation: Esslinger Organ Book, Vol II and III. Lord, you have angeruhrt me - C Major. In the Men Rejoice - F Major.
Translation: Lord, you have angeruhrt me. Lord, you have angeruhrt me - C Major. In the Men Rejoice - F Major.