Translation: Although some excellent professional recordings of the work exist, the scoring presents insuperable problems to most choirs.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Andraé Crouch. --.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Oh, the mercy of a Holy God to give His only Son, who would bear the shame and consequence for wrongs that I had done. SATB Choir.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. C # 4-E5. MN0073552_D1. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552_U2. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552_U5. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552_D3. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552_U4. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. MN0073552_D5. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Because He Lives by Bill. "Because He Lives has absolutely beautiful harmonies which can be utilized by several. Hymn. Plan.