Translation: The book features 17 pieces for Solo Piano and four duets for Piano Four Hands.
Translation: The four movements are vintage Rawsthorne, suitably spiced with echoes of the recorder's heyday. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Timpani sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Arranged by Edward Harper.
Translation: Plan. This work was written in 1971.
Translation: For solo guitar. Pieces . Level D. difficult. 8 pages. Duration 8'.
Translation: The four movements are vintage Rawsthorne, suitably spiced with echoes of the recorder's heyday. For Treble recorder and piano.
Translation: Rawsthorne had an intuitive understanding of the piano and showed great brilliance in writing for it. For piano solo and duet.
Translation: Hymn preludes. Book. Published by Kevin Mayhew Publishers. KV.1400274.