Translation: It flew a kleins Waldvögelein. It flew a kleins Waldvögelein. It flew a kleins Waldvögelein. Published. Description.
Translation: This tune was first published on p68 of William Billings' The Continental Harmony , Boston. Sacred , Hymn. English. SATB. 1794.
Translation: , where the tune is named 'New Year's Day'. Thomas Jarman. Sacred , Hymn Meter. L.M. Language. English.
Translation: This anthem was published on pages 24-27 of Thomas Clark's A Second Set of Psalm Tunes , London.
Translation: MacKillop Meter.
Translation: In Sacred Music , the tune is followed by a note. Language. English. SATB.
Translation: A carol setting by Joseph Stephenson, from page 42 of his The Musical Companion ,. Sacred , Carol Meter. Language. English.
Translation: The tune was reused with the text 'The day is past and gone' by Jeremiah Ingalls in The Christian Harmony. Language.
Translation: Resonet In Laudibus, the Finnish title of the German tune, Fourteenth Century.
Translation: A setting by Thomas Clark, from pages 17-18 of his collection An Eighth Set of Psalm Tunes. London,.
Translation: and the third of which is in a more festive style with an optional soprano descant. Language.
Translation: This Christmas hymn was first published on pp30-31 of William Knapp's Anthems for Christmas Day , London. Language. English. SATB.
Translation: Hymn Tune by William Tansur set to words by Dr. John Rippon celebrating the Abolition of Slavery Act 1807. Instrumental interlude.
Translation: This setting was published on pages 29-34 of John Broderip's collection A Second Book of New Anthems and Psalm Tunes. English.