Translation: even finer Turn our captivity , both six-part pieces displaying every facet of Byrd's incomparable contrapuntal art.
Translation: A virgin virgin. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part.
Translation: O blessed be thou.
Translation: Blessed are the dead, SWV 391. glue part. Sacred , Anthem. German. SSATTB. No. .
Translation: Sacred , Motet , Eucharistic song. Latin. Prima pars. Secunda pars.
Translation: Composed for Easter Sunday evensong at Hereford Cathedral, 1834, when only trebles and a single bass voice were available. Organ.
Translation: Part 2 of a 2-part motet, the 1st part being Blessed art thou that fearest God.
Translation: Part 1 of a 2-part motet, the 2nd part being Thus art thou blest that fearest God.
Translation: run of eighth notes. Both Latin and English.
Translation: Piano accompaniment added by William Horsley. Language. English. ATTBB.
Translation: A three part sacred glee on the text of an epitaph originally from a gravestone in Brading, Hampshire, England. SSB.
Translation: The piece can be sung with only two solo voices, or as well with several voices per part. Sacred , Hymn , Eucharistic song. Language.
Translation: with instrumental symphonies was also included by Clark in his book A Fourth Set of Psalm Tunes. Thomas Clark. Sacred , Hymn Meter.
Translation: Sacred , Motet , Communion for Nativity of the BVM. Language. Latin. SATTB or ATTBarB.
Translation: Two part motet. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Language. Latin. SSATB. Prima pars. Secunda pars.
Translation: The bass and alto parts do not divide until the last few bars, while the soprano and tenor divisi are more substantial.