Translation: A laurel I diffese all'hor.
Translation: A laurel defended me. In the shadow of the beautiful sweet fronds. Third room. Rore, Cipriano de.
Translation: A laurel defended me. In the shadow of the beautiful sweet fronds. Third room.
Translation: Alas laurel laurel ungrateful - Complete score. Nodari, John Paul.
Translation: A laurel defended me - Complete score. Ferrabosco Sr., Alfonso.
Translation: Paolo Isnardi. Secular , Madrigal. Italian. SSAAT. Transcribed from 'The laurel dry' - Vittorio Baldini 1582 - Ferrara.
Translation: Claudio Merulo. Secular , Madrigal. Italian. SAATB. Transcribed from "The laurel dry" - Vittorio Baldini 1582 - Ferrara.
Translation: John de Macque. Secular , Madrigal. Language. Italian. SATTB. Transcribed from 'The laurel dry' - Vittorio Baldini 1582 - Ferrara.
Translation: Luzzasco Luzzaschi. Secular , Madrigal. Italian. SSAAB. Transcribed from 'The laurel dry' - Vittorio Baldini 1582 - Ferrara.
Translation: Ruggiero Giovannelli. Secular , Madrigal. Italian. SSAAT. Transcribed from 'The laurel dry' - Vittorio Baldini 1582 - Ferrara.
Translation: lauro suite tribute to john duarte 3 giga. lauro suite tribute to john duarte 3 giga.
Translation: lauro goodbye to ocumare. lauro goodbye to ocumare. standard notation.
Translation: lauro suite tribute to john duarte 2 pavana. lauro suite tribute to john duarte 2 pavana.
Translation: Cisneros, Jose Rafael. cisneros tribute to lauro. cisneros tribute to lauro. Cisneros, Jose Rafael. standard notation.