Translation: A GUARANTEED WINNER. Len Orcino. Grade 2.
Translation: Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. Aurally-presented Scales provide a foundation for more advanced improvisation study.
Translation: First Place for Jazz 1st . Aurally-presented Scales provide a foundation for more advanced improvisation study.
Translation: First Place for Jazz 1st . Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company.
Translation: These enrichments prepare students to play each of the 12 original grade 1-2 Jazz Ensemble Charts and Lead Sheets.
Translation: KJ.W75A. These enrichments prepare students to play each of the 12 original grade 1-2 Jazz Ensemble Charts and Lead Sheets.
Translation: A flurry of musical activity accompanies the next section, Scouting for Pollen, as forager bees disperse.