Translation: Somebody Loves Me. Think On Me. Time Remembered. Days And Nights Waiting. Call Me Irresponsible.
Translation: All Of Me. Somebody Loves Me. Think On Me. Time Remembered. Days And Nights Waiting.
Translation: These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch. All Of Me. Somebody Loves Me. Think On Me.
Translation: Straight Ahead. Lean On Me. Talk To Me. As Long As He Needs Me. Come Dance With Me.
Translation: Call Me Irresponsible. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. I Remember Clifford. I'll Remember April.
Translation: Think On Me. Time Remembered. Days And Nights Waiting. Call Me Irresponsible. Don't Blame Me.
Translation: Think On Me. Days And Nights Waiting. Call Me Irresponsible. Don't Blame Me. Dream A Little Dream Of Me.