Translation: Quartet for piano, four hands. String quartets transcribed for piano four hands. Scores. Mendelssohn, Felix.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: Extract from 6 ricercares. Main sheet music.
Translation: Morand, Maryse and Etienne. 1st place. Morand, Maryse and Etienne. Violin solo. Méthode violon5.
Translation: Concerto for flute and string orchestra. Main sheet music.
Translation: Ropes. Plan.
Translation: Ropes. Guitar 2. Plan. Vibraphone.
Translation: String Ensemble. Main sheet music. Part Violin 1. Violin 2 part. Partie Violon 3.
Translation: CHAUVEAU Bruno. CHAUVEAU Bruno. String Trio. Violin, Viola, Cello. CHAUVEAU Bruno. Main sheet music.