Translation: Nightingales. V. Soloviev-Gray, A. Fatyanov. Instr. T. Bahrova - - -. Music.
Translation: From the movie Heavenly slug. V. Soloviev-Gray, A. Fatyanov. Instr. A schoolboy -. Music.
Translation: It is time on their way. From the movie Heavenly slug. V. Soloviev-Gray, S. Fogelson. Instr. S. Ganicheva -. Instr. A scholar - -. Music.
Translation: Moscow evenings. From the film In the days of Olympics. V. Soloviev-Gray, M. Matusovskiy. Instr. S. Ganicheva - - - - - - -. Music.
Translation: We, my friends, migratory birds. First of all, first of all planes. From the movie Heavenly slug. V. Soloviev-Gray, A. Fatyanov. Instr.
Translation: Music.
Translation: Waltz. V. Soloviev-Gray, S. Fogelson. Arr. A schoolboy -. Music.
Translation: Marsh song. Instr. D. Korobov -. Music.
Translation: Marsh Nakhimov. From the movie Happy Voyage. V. Soloviev-Gray, N. Gleyzarov. Arr. . Instr. B. Anisimova, facilitating. Ed. Music.
Translation: Instr. Music.
Translation: March. Music.
Translation: In the way. March. From the movie Maksim Perepelitsa. V. Soloviev-Gray, Dudin. Instr. M. Vahutinskogo - - - - - -. Music.
Translation: Ballad of a Soldier. Marsh song. Soloviev-Gray. , M. Matusovskiy. Instr. B. Eremeeva -. Arr. A. Khalilov - - -. Music.