Translation: E. Lodge.
Translation: Lakis C. Roberts.
Translation: ragtime piano "A Bag of rags. V.-R. MakKalnas.
Translation: C. Joplin.
Translation: simplified piano transcription. C. Joplin.
Translation: Arrangement for accordion. Accordion. S. Joplin.
Translation: ragtime piano "Cataract. R. Hampton.
Translation: 'Bringing the fly ", gallop-ragtime piano. G. Shumilov.
Translation: "MUNICH RAG", ragtime piano. T. Yaschenko.
Translation: Ragtime "Happy tomato", for piano. I. Khisamutdinov.
Translation: simplified piano transcription. F. Waller.
Translation: L. Snyder.
Translation: Ragtime. "Memories of Gershwin". for chamber. String. orchestra score. V. Saparov.
Translation: Ragtime for Flute and Piano. piano, flute. V. Saparov.
Translation: ragtime piano "A Bag of rags. L. Pollack.
Translation: ragtime piano "Twelfth Street". used in the soundtrack for the film "Hello, I'm Your Aunt. E.-L. Buman.
Translation: Ragtime "Fun Walk", for piano. Yu Vesnyak.