Translation: "Snowstorm" Etudes-Tableaux for piano, 218b. A. Samsonov.
Translation: Along the street blizzard sweeps.
Translation: choir. Fradkin. Matusovsky.
Translation: Alyabyev.
Translation: Along the street blizzard sweeps. duo. Russian. Varlamov.
Translation: Along the street blizzard sweeps. Varlamov. RNP. Second embodiment.
Translation: "Snowstorm-blizzard" for voice and orchestra of Russian folk instruments, piano, score. V. Volchenko.
Translation: "Blizzard-Blizzard", for voice and piano. V. Volchenko.
Translation: "Variations on a Russian folk song" Along the street blizzard sweeps "for wind orchestra, the score. Vinokurov.
Translation: Arrangement for accordion A.Mireka. Varlamov.
Translation: processing Russian. cum. song "Along the street blizzard sweeps". duet for tenor, mezzo-soprano and piano. Varlamov.
Translation: duo. C and T. Varlamov.
Translation: processing Russian. cum. song "Along the street blizzard sweeps". for Voice and Piano. Varlamov.
Translation: arr. for mixed choir a-capella. O. Agapitova.
Translation: Soloviev-Gray. Instr. B. Anisimov -. Full score.