The days of wine and roses laugh and run away like a child at play Through the meadow land toward a closing door A door marked "Nevermore", that wasn'
wines and roses and you (The lonely night discloses) Just a passing breeze filled with memories Of the golden smile that introduced me to The days of wine and roses
The Days of Wine and Roses
wine and roses and you The lonely night discloses Just a passing breeze filled with memories Of the golden laugh that introduced me to The days of wine and roses
Bring on the days of wine and roses Riot squads and fire hoses Two leaders try to speak but they don't make a sound Autocrats run but they don't move
wine and roses and you The lonely night discloses Just a passing breeze filled with memories Of the golden smile that introduced me to The days of wine and roses
and the laughter love and desire and hate I think they have no portion in us after we pass the gate they are not long the days of wine and roses out
wine and roses and you (The lonely night discloses) Just a passing breeze Filled with memories Of the golden smile That introduced me to The days of wine and roses and
filled with memories Of the golden smile that introduced me to The days of wine and roses and you [brief instrumental break] The days of wine and roses
A fistful of roses ain?t the best thing I could do I called by the clothesline, and the fish pond Called out for you You want an urgent, bent-guitar string
Translation: Williams, Andy. Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Ray Charles. Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Perry Como. The Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Sinatra, Frank. Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Henry Mancini \u0026 His Orchestra. Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Jazz. The Days Of Wine And Roses.
Translation: Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards. Wine And Roses.