testa in quel momento tu ricordati di me Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me
in quel momento tu ricordati di me Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me
quel momento tu ricordati di me Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me (kill me, kill me, kill yourself) Tu ricordati di me
yes you are (yes you are) Ooh... I t all reminds me of you [Chorus x6: Que] It reminds me of you... (It reminds me of you) [ Bridge: All (Mike)] It
always be a part of me 'Cause there is always something there to remind me Always something there to remind me Always something there to remind me Always something there to remind me
Te acordaras de mi No podras olvidarmee No podras alejarme De tu pensamiento Te acordaras de mi Aunque quieras odiarme Aunque quieras borrarme De tu
mi que dios bendiga tu mente y te ayude en el presente el pasado que te di Yo te recuerdo tambiA©n de una forma tan bonita que por nada se me quita
always be a part of me When there is always Something there to remind me Always something there to remind me Always something there to remind me Always something there to remind me
It shouts out loud I'm more than you, I'm more than you There is always something there to remind me Something that I should've left behind me It taps
they can be Did they know what they wanted, the times they kissed me And your hands I held in mine, now they're reposing on the pillow Will they ever miss me
mi, Cuando la gente te sonria, Cuando veas que alguien llora, Te acordaras de mi Y cuando mires a los ojos de alguien que te quiera amar Tu llanto no
Je me souviens de vous Tout au fond d'un jardin secret Dans le soleil leger de mai J'etais a vos genoux Je me souviens de vous Nous vivions a cent lieues
ricorderai di me Tu ti ricorderai di me Tu ti ricorderai di me Tu ti ricorderai Tu ti ricorderai di me Tu ti ricorderai di me Tu ti ricorderai di me Tu
andar sola por ahi me acordare de ti me acordare de ti uhh yeyeyeie me acordare de ti! no no no, no no me acordare de ti uhh yeyeyeie me acordare de