hair music was everywhere Under an awning of silvery boughs We traded vows the night that I sailed away Trade winds what are vows that lovers make Trade winds
my friend So come on now my children Off to bed for the light is fading I don't believe the trade winds blowing will set you free I do believe the free trade wind
where the trade winds play, down where you lose the day We found a new world where paradise starts We traded hearts way down where the trade winds play
Down where the trade winds play, down where you lose a day We found a new world where paradise starts We traded high way down where the trade winds play
mind my tears, remember, there's still a million hearts in bloom. So keep on shining though I'm pining, silv'ry moon. The trade winds brought a message
returning it won't be the same She traded her name Way down where the trade winds play Trade winds, what are vows that lovers made Trade winds, are
you We're caught in the trade winds The trade winds of our time Yes we're caught up in the trade winds The trade winds of our time We are riding on the
Translation: Crosby, Bing. Trade Winds.
Translation: Sinatra, Frank. Trade Winds.
Translation: Snow, Hank. A Message From The Trade Winds.
Translation: Snow, Hank. Trade Winds.
Translation: Snow, Hank. Down Where The Trade Winds Blow.
Translation: Heartbreakers soundtrack. Mason Williams - Trade Winds.
Translation: Heartbreakers soundtrack. Trade Winds [mason Williams].
Translation: Robbins, Marty. Down Where The Trade Winds Blow.