Drink to me only with thine eyes And I will pledge with mine. Or leave a kiss within the cup And I'll not ask for wine. The thirst that from the soul
the moon until they went there Give me a sign (tonight) Give me some words to go by Give me a lie (to write) Don't wanna look in thine eyes Others
How Long I been on? (Laughter) When you're drinkin When you're drinkin The show looks good to you When you're drinkin you get stinkin it helps your point
the moon until they went there Give me a sign (tonight) Give me some words to go by Give me a lie (to write) Don?t wanna look in thine eyes Others
Translation: Slammer. If Thine Eyes.
Translation: Unknown. Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes.
Translation: Intwine. Thin Eyes.
Зачем спешишь оставить все позади? Зачем кричишь, и рвешь все в клочья? Остановись! Я не хочу так жить. Я лишь хотел тебе помочь. Закрываю глаза, заставляю