the grave white bones glow savagery provide the light we crave turn to look at baphomet from below and not above welcome to my sacrifice tonight there'll be no love
bond of love It lifts you up sometimes,or it can weigh you down You better not try to turn your back upon? The blood red bond of love Don't ever try
Refrain You used to be, je roule pour mes flash back Mine, mine, mine Old School Lover Saturday morning Friday at end Guest who I saw today My first love
Translation: The Best of James Bond soundtrack. From Russia With Love [matt Munro ].
Translation: 007 James Bond (the Best Songs) soundtrack. From Russia With Love.
red bond of love It lifts you up sometimes,or it can weigh you down You better not try to turn your back upon? The blood red bond of love Don't ever
Ruckblickend betrachtet war die Industrialisierung eine Schei?idee und im Nachhinein glaube ich an fast jede Verschworungstheorie; an geheime Machte
face head down just staring at the brown Formica It's safer not to look around I can't hide my feelings from you now There's too much love to go around
Love ridden, I've looked at you With the focus I gave to my birthday candles I've wished on the lidded blue flames Under your brow And baby, I wished
is manifest in my resistance To your love, to your love, to your love To your love, to your love, to your love To your love To your love
I lost all self-control Can anybody hear me? Anybody save my soul? It's far too dead aside, to go on living a lie I just don't need that bad kind love
dont care anymore) i dont care anymore (dont care anymore) i dont.. (and she dies) and she dies (and she dies) and she dies for our love
There is a place That we all know It shows its face And goes unnoticed And chances are The crowds will go To see the sounds below I like the beat Of
You've been talking all this shit You've been talking all this shit I think it's time for you to quit Start singing Yeahhhh You're not the apple of my
So glad to meet you baby Let's start things over and then i reach out honey to send you over This bad heart This jealous love turn madly better not fuck
ride for me just don't hold me blood depends paint portraits of me won't you stay a little longer you find pain in most my pleasure whoa only to haunt