Oh my God What? I did it What d'ya do? I've done it. I fuckin' did it. The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodelling, dude} {Oh my God, inward singing
: I did it. Kyle: What'd you do? Jack: I've done it. I fuckin' did it. The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodelling dude. Oh my God, inward singing
Translation: Tenacious D. Inward Singing.
I did it. Kyle: What'd you do? Jack: I've done it. I fuckin' did it. The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodelling dude. Oh my God, inward singing
Jack: I did it. Kyle: What'd you do? Jack: I've done it. I fuckin' did it. The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodelling dude. Oh my God, inward singing
with inward singing, check it out! (Jack sings inwards, then outwards. while doing this, he sings:) And then I start some lyrics and you can't believe I'm singing