Translation: Juannika. At the Edge (With Sfdk And Promoe).
Translation: Juannika. Romantic Rap (With Sfdk).
Translation: Juannika. Ballroom Dancing (With Sfdk).
Translation: Juannika. I Walker (Sfdk).
Translation: SFDK. Total Recall.
Translation: SFDK. Farewell and Close (To Os Follen).
Translation: SFDK. Duel Of Vikings.
Translation: SFDK. How Out For Me Miran.
Translation: SFDK. Te Lo Jumah that!.
Translation: SFDK. Where is Wifly.
Translation: SFDK. You WiFly ¿Dónde?.
Translation: SFDK. Where do they go?.
Translation: SFDK. The Doctor.
Translation: SFDK. Al Filo.
Translation: SFDK. Total Recall (With Cappaz).
Translation: SFDK. Interlude (With Niko).
Translation: SFDK. Out how many Miran For Me? (With Putolargo).
Translation: SFDK. Duel Of Vikings (with Promoe).