Yeah! In the place to be! Chipmunks on the M I C! Witch Doctor! Everybody can they do it? (Can they do it?) Come on people let's get to it! (Let's get
They're gonna kill us all Oh sheena kneels And prays over the graves And wishes of her god to be so brave The roses she had picked Fall from her hand
(Spoken) How can I tell him I've been untrue how can I tell him I love someone new ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo we've always been happy and gay we'
You're not a kid anymore You're not a kid anymore When people ask of me What would you like to be Now that you're not a kid anymore (You're not a kid
De Grenade a Seville S'en allait une fille Voilee d'une mantille Qu'elle est belle, belle, quand on la voit Une rose sauvage, Fleurissait son corsage
They're gonna kill us all Oh Sheena kneels and prays over the graves and wishes of her god to be so brave the roses she had picked fall from her hand
Che bel mestiere Carabineire oh che bel mestiere ammazza di qua arresta di la uccidi di la ammanetta di qua non ti lasciar scappare a quello la lalalala
de seville Don juan et Maria Seville Ton ciel est devenu plus bleu Seville Depuis qu'un homme est amoureux Seville Contre la fierte de ta peau Seville
Translation: Dalida. From Granada to Seville.
Translation: David Seville. No One Does It Better (Remix).
Translation: David Seville. Atl Tales/ride Wit Me.
Translation: David Seville. Bird On My Head.
Translation: David Seville. The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Do not Be Late).
Translation: David Seville. Ragtime Cowboy Joe.
Translation: David Seville. Alvins Harmonica.
Translation: Mojinos Escozios. La Sevillana Del Borrasho.
Translation: Peker, Hakan. Sevilde Sevme.