Translation: Reno, Ginette. Eyes closed.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. My mother always sang.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Paris-Québec.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Prayer.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. The Last Waltz.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. The Second Voice.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. The Lesson Of Love.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. The Poet You.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. You Are Here.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Kinda see stars.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. It holds a Man Hot.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Private life.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. T'es Mon Amour T'es Ma Maîtresse.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. What is the way.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Stay close to me.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Remains close to my heart.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. Nothing can stop me.
Translation: Reno, Ginette. My Way.