Es ist bei uns wieder mal soweit Nur ein kurzer Weg bis zum 4. Reich Linke Zeitungen vom Staat zensiert Faschistenorgane werden toleriert Journalisten
this our final destiny? Can't you see the signs 4th Reich is rising For the last time 4th Reich is rising Can't you see the signs 4th Reich is rising
gonna be different so let's all join our hands And let the children sing for the last time 4th Reich is rising can't you see the signs 4th Reich is rising
Got a heart full of gold, that I own The clothes on my back and a pant suit I control my own money You wouldn't even tell the difference But I just can
Translation: Doomwatch. The Fourth Reich.
Translation: Stratovarius. 4th Reich.
Translation: Wonder. Of The Fourth Reich.
: Got a heart full of gold, that I own The clothes on my back and a pant suit I control my own money You wouldn't even tell the difference But I just
be different so let's all join our hands And let the children sing for the last time 4th Reich is rising can't you see the signs 4th Reich is rising