There's a way to drive, I see it once in a while I watch the tail lights and memorize I won't be too scared, I won't be too tired I'm becoming hard wired
Red Script 7:18 7. Antofagasta 3:13 Sadness: Gradel : All Percussion Andy : Bass Effects & German Voice Chiva : Guitars & Piano
piu dei bassi) Adriano adriano vacci piano adriano (corro piu dei bassi) Adriano adriano vacci piano adriano (corro piu dei bassi) Adriano vacci piano vacci piano piano
: there's a way to drive, i see it once in a while i watch the tail-lights and memorize i won't be too scared, i won't be too tired i'm becoming hard
there's a way to drive, i see it once in a while i watch the tail-lights and memorize i won't be too scared, i won't be too tired i'm becoming hard-wired
As i lay in peace; awoke with death; afraid to open my eyes; but flames will take them; as i walk in darkness; she closes her grip; to take me
diamanti qui e i miei fratelli nella merda sono... [Danno] Ancora sul quadrato e mo colpisco 'ndo capita ogni mia rima punta alla tua testa e decapita Colle Der
mossa del Giaguaro. Eh bravo! ma amo' come te paro? "parate er culo che ariva er Giaguaro!" Me te sciogli in mano, te sciogli piano piano a cottura lento