Paladino di se stesso guarda il cielo a fondo Passa il carro e le sue tracce cantano con lui La risata che si toglie al suole amaro Fa soltanto presagire
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armor in a savage land His fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind A soldier of fortune is a man called Paladin Paladin Paladin where do you roam Paladin Paladin
La lune eclaire la clairiere ou je passe la nuit Devant le grand tribunal des sapins Au grand jury, je preterai serment Je dois prouver ma prouesse Je
Translation: Dead Can Dance. Chant Of The Paladin.
Translation: Faron Young. Ballad Of Paladin.
Translation: Western, Johnny. The Ballad Of Paladin.
Translation: SkyMarshall Arts. The Paladin.
La lune eclaire la clairiere ou je passe la nuit Devant le grand tribunal des sapins Au grand jury, je preterai serment Je dois prouver ma prouesse
Было это или не было, ведает лишь Бог один: странствовал по землям северным неизвестный паладин... Cлавен рыцарь силой, доблестью, он хранил свою страну
I am a lonely visitor. I came too late to cause a stir, Though I campaigned all my life towards that goal. I hardly slept
I am a lonely visitor. I came to late to cause a stir, Though I campaigned all my life towards that goal. I hardly slept the night you wept Our secret
Translation: Paladin, The. But oh I Was Dead.
Translation: Neil Young. Campaigner.
: I am a lonely visitor. I came to late to cause a stir, Though I campaigned all my life towards that goal. I hardly slept the night you wept Our secret