the mother will unite with the god And we'll have a new life and a new king The light of the fires shine on the Anphisbena, that is the millenary lady
Translation: Opera IX. Anphisbena.
: Far-away echos accompany the dim lights of torches Old and mighty trees twine along the holy way of an ancient procession Simple but obscure songs
: Mark your body with the symbol of agony because I am the truth Bend your head and lower your eyes because my light will shine upon you and will burn
: (Instrumental)
: My name is no-one and a thousand, but the old sages crowned me Queen Mother I am the breath you can hear among the leaves of the trees My sap emerges
: Shining in darkness the vary eyes of the lord o birds of prey announces the passing of time With his piercing call The thick dark leaves of the forest
: [Originally performed by Bathory] One man rode the way through the woods Down to Asa bay Where dragon ships had sailed to sea More times than one
: The final battle is near to be We've collected all the heroes And thousand men with us... Our time is at the end But our seed will return one day This
: Impotently at the end of an era we assist As a last rampart we protect the ancient wisdom Our valour multiply our blades But this is not enough Falsehood
: I am the grey conqueror, he who's come by cold and storm The grey wolf called by the full moon, and the snarling beast hidden in the cold mist Brother