Mmm, a message to all my friends Mmm, I've fallen down again Please send help Please send your horses and your men Please send your very best doctors
Driving into Santa Fe Dreaming of the day I'll make it mine That day is coming Ani DiFranco on the tape player Thinking of the things I'd say to her
Sitting at my table, having some tea Chatting with a bloke who's dead from strangling I'm a lonely man in need of company I only have to kill men to make
Say goodnight not good bye You will never leave my heart behind Like the path of a star I'll be anywhere you are In the spark that lies beneath the coals
Adoramus Te, Christe et benedicimus tibi adoramus Te, Christe et benedicimus Tibi Quia per sanctem crucem Tuam redemisti mundum Adoramus Te, Christe
Straight shot of misery Some days make a mess of me I touch the ground when I can find my feet You know, it all comes down to love I tell myself, I can
All for the love we want All for the love we need Deep in the lonely heart Winter holds the seed Reach till you know how far Trust till you know how
You can say you love me and I'll believe that's true Trusting you is easy 'cause I believe in you There is nothing I would miss As long as we're in love
I saw my life this morning Lying at the bottom of a drawer All this stuff I'm saving God knows what this junk is for And whatever I believed in This
Away beyond the blue One star belongs to you And every breath I take I'm closer to that place Yeah, baby I'm gonna meet you there On the outskirts of
I wasn't ready for the avalanche when we let things slide I'd always hoped that we would have the chance at least to say we tried So I went siftin' though
I dropped a coin in a wishing well I turned the wild jack over I listened to the Devil tell Seven story lies Cross my heart, I hope to live Tangled with
Ave Maria, gratia plena Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mulieribus Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus Sancta Maria, Mater Dei Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ave, ave verum corpus Natum de Maria Virgine Vere passum immolatum In Cruce pro homine Cujus latus perforatum Unda fluxit et sanguine Esto nobis praegustatum
She's wheeled into the hallway Till the sun moves down the floor Little squares of daylight Like a hundred times before She's taken to the garden For
Baby, dance with me slow Let me fly with you While the bands playin' low Till the night is through The lights of the candles Look like stars around the
Away beyond the blue Away beyond the blue One star belongs to you One star belongs to you And every breath I take And every breath I take I'm closer
In the tears you gave to me I found a river to an ocean Concrete sky and a stone cold sea I came to where the emptiness cracked open All my fears came