den Boden rot farben? Wie konnte er blo? sterben? Ich muss ihn los werden. So, zuruck zum Sender, ihrem Schreiben liegt ne Leiche bei. Oder schneid dir ne
Boden rot farben? Wie konnte er blo? sterben? Ich muss ihn los werden. So, zuruck zum Sender, ihrem Schreiben liegt ne Leiche bei. Oder schneid dir ne
please abuse me with fists perfectly formed. bite off my tongue so i wont say a word (the anger dulls your beauty - the alcohol washes it completely away
There was once a blue sky ....and white clouds Next to the lake and oblivious to death.... Blue fades to mud ....the clouds become semen Breasts exposed
I got some hard times Two punks up on the subway It's a long way to go To get to leicester square A hard line It's the one you gotta cross The one you
: I got some hard times Some punks up on the subway It's a long way to go to get to leicester square A hard line Someone you gotta cross The one
zu Gute Fahrt mein Freund Schrei ich aufs Meer hinaus Ich steh am Kai und wink ihm zu Gute Fahrt mein Freund Schrei ich aufs Meer... Leiche zur See
Well i'm still waiting for the right time to drown my fears of you You can't see things my way and you won't hear me out Say that I'm the only one Out
I got some hard times Some punks up on the subway It's a long way to go to get to leicester square A hard line Someone you gotta cross The one you