Monarchy now, alive Gestern begrub ich meinen Kater, ein Geschenk von meinem Vater. Er sagt vor Gott sind alle gleich, nur unser Kaiser der war gleicher
Are we to die with no glimpse of you? CHORUS Our love carries us Down the Road to Monarchy Our doom wearies us Down the Road to Monarchy Songs of
The heart it is a beast We're not written equally Where can we lay this blame? Between the clouds of flames Raise my hand up to the sun Dazed and mortuary
I fell between the lines made you surrender The promise at the start just got lost on the way Hell eternity gaze at the splendor Give up all these simple
Lets spend the night together Spend the night in your arms You've got the red dress on you I've got the book of charms Lets make a daring story Dress
I watch you from afar Can't reach your burning star Still I will to keep you safe in my sight I know we hardly speak But your words I can complete
you bulimic mess And give us all a fucking rest! Life must be so hard for you today Wait 'till your freedom's taken away All the royal scum in "Monarchy
Lyrics: FALCO, Music: Harald Klosser; Published by Edition Discoton/Falkenhorst Monarchy now, alive (4 times) Gestern begrub ich meinen Kater, ein Geschenk
Shallow graves widen from horizon to horizon Irreverent dominion - a monarchy of death Irreverent dominion Monarchy of the dead Irreverent dominion Monarchy
I'm too white, I'm too white But I'm not afraid Not to try, not to try To keep you and me There is just, just one way For us to be two I can count just
Translation: Compulsion. Mall Monarchy.
Translation: Doom. Monarchy Zoo.
Translation: Joy Electric. The Road To Monarchy.
Translation: Ethereal. The Children Of The Carpatian Woods (Werewolf Monarchy).
Translation: Hawk. Monarchy Now.
: Lyrics: FALCO, Music: Harald Klosser; Published by Edition Discoton/Falkenhorst Monarchy now, alive (4 times) Gestern begrub ich meinen Kater, ein