farms And they call it the south, it's the land of the free It lost the only war it ever fought in history But I love the south, it's the land of the
Translation: Roger Miller. South.
. Give it up for Richmond California. (Puttin 'em on the map.) Put em up represent where you from? (Westside southside.) Check out some of this down south
Music: Roger Miller Lyrics: Roger Miller Book: William Hauptman Premiere: Thursday, April 25, 1985 Do ya wanna go to heaven? The boys Waitin' for the
Give it up for richmond, california. (puttin 'em on the map.) Put em up, represent, where you from? (westside, southside.) Check out some of this down south
soldiers, give it up for Richmond, California (Puttin 'em on the map) Put em up, represent, where you from? (Westside, southside) Check out some of this down south
your back and ride Look for me when you see me comin' I may be runnin' I don't know I may be tired and runnin' fever but I'll be headed south to the
S.G.:] Working the wheel keeping it real, down South we call it trill This one year my dreams fulfilled, no more teams hogging the deal Paying my mills