bottle for Alice Drink me or I'll drown in a sea of giants And tell me, "Baby, baby, I love you It's nonstop memories of you It's like a video of you
for Alice Drink me down or I'll drown in a sea of giants And tell me, "Baby, baby, I love you It's nonstop memories of you It's like a video of you
Translation: Mann, Aimee. Video.
bottle for Alice Drink me down or I'll drown in a sea of giants And tell me, "Baby, baby, I love you It's nonstop memories of you It's like a video of
Pre (mostly a b a b) Love in a vacuum There was a time You opened up every doorway You didn't mind if everything Wasn't your way Don't pull away That
Translation: Mann, Aimee. Love In A Vacuum.
If I Ever Leave You...You Can Say I Told You So! And If I Ever Hurt You Baby... You Know I Hurt Myself As Well. Is That Any Way For A Man To Carry On