Translation: Santana. Tales Of Kilimanjaro.
Kiliman Kiliman Kilimandscharo Kiliman Kiliman Kilimandscharo Glühend heiße Sonne und die Trommeln rufen eine alte Melodie durch die Savanne
Don't say you want a better world Don't say you want a better life When all you do is watch tv And listen to the promises Don't say you want a better
Translation: C. Jerome. The Snows of Kilimanjaro.
Translation: Pascal Danel. Kilimandjaro.
Translation: France Gall. Kilimanjaro.
Tu me dis souvent sans ambages Que je travaille du chapeau Que j'ai le front dans les nuages Et du givre apres mes carreaux Tu me traites d'idealiste
: Don't say you want a better world Don't say you want a better life When all you do is watch tv And listen to the promises Don't say you want a better
Ганза: Проплывали серые будни чёрными полосами Помню как ты заплетала утром в косы волосы Ярким пятнышком на полотнище жизни грозди мои Ты всегда была